Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Edible Bird’s Nest as Part in Holistic Healing

Holistic healing is taking a holistic approach for diseases treatment and for a more balanced lifestyle. What distinguishes holistic healing from alternative medicine and other medicine is that holistic healing put primary focus on overall physical health, and not specific sickness.
Edible Bird’s Nest as Part in Holistic Healing
Edible Bird’s Nest as Part in Holistic Healing

To understand more about holistic medicine, the following are examples of holistic treatment methods which have been widely known:


Aromatherapy is the use of plants and aromatic spices (essential oils) for the treatment. Aromatherapy stimulates the brain and affects the mental mood. A good state of mind would affect overall good physical being. We also know that stress of bad mental state can reduce antioxidant production and lead to illness.

Ayurveda medicine.

Ayurveda healing system is a traditional treatment methods originated in India. Ayurveda Treatment includes therapy associated with physical, mental, and spiritual. Treatment techniques include dietary therapy, herbal medicine, specific exercises and spiritual practices, aimed to achieve a balance.

Natural diet.

Related with eating natural foods / organic, natural supplements, etc. Eating the right food will provide the right nutrition that our body requires to function.


This method is related to the physical aspect combined with the spiritual. Various techniques include pilates, dance, qigong, tai chi, yoga, etc. Exercises has been proven to release stress/tensions, regenerate cells faster, increase immune system, and help in cholesterol or heart disease problem.

Spiritual counseling.

This method is still a taboo in some part of the world, for example: psychic. However, currently, there is method that has been accepted by society, which is hypnotherapy.


The term acupuncture describes procedures involving stimulation of anatomical points on the body by a variety of techniques including applying needle.

Energy-based therapies and meditations.

This method uses breathing method to channel the energy (or chi in the China) to balance the energy at various important body points and clear the toxin in each of them. This method is practiced everywhere, Chinese called these points meridian and other called it Chakra.

Vibrational medicine.

This method that combines east and west medication. The east medication believe that human body performs best in certain frequency. Using the various vibrational tools, this therapies attempt to adjust our body frequency to optimum state.


Homeopathic remedies are based on the concept of taking minute amounts of natural substances to stimulate the body's own defenses against specific symptoms and imbalances.


Go to the gym. The goal is to raise fitness and improve the quality of muscles. With this method not only getting a healthy body, but also increase self-confidence and social relationships.

Prayer and worship.

The purpose of this method is to calm the mind and together concentrate on healing to God. With focus, confidence, and support, self-motivation expected to increase.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Restoring the qi is the ultimate goal in restoring overall health and well-being to the individual. Chinese believe human body can be in “cold” state and “hot” state. To have a good chi or energy flow, one body should be balance. Some TCM product such as cordyceps are characterized as hot, while other like Edible Bird’s Nest is characterized as cold. For example, a woman body during pregnancy is considered hot, that’s why she needs to take Edible Bird’s Nest to cool it down to rebalance the body system.
Consuming Edible Bird’s Nest is a relevant holistic healing approach. The consumption of nutritious Edible Bird’s Nest is not only good for your health but also for your immunity, vitality, and beauty. Edible Bird’s Nest is a nutritious food that comes from nature. This is in line with the spirit of holistic healing that is back to nature, natural food, natural medicine.

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