Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Learn about Edible Bird’s Nest

The oats (also known as swift nests, "oats" are Edible Bird’s Nest, "pole" means nest) is the nest of some Edible Bird’s Nest made of their saliva. Saliva of Edible Bird’s Nest is a nutrient rich gel. Edible Bird’s Nests have been shown in modern studies to have high levels of protein, minerals, and healthy amino acids.

Edible Bird’s Nest soup?

In Chinese, “pole” means nest. So translated, swallow’s nests mean nest, nest of Edible Bird’s Nest. Since ancient times, Edible Bird’s Nest has been considered as valuable food that only kings can enjoy.
In the breeding season, Edible Bird’s Nest to lay eggs, usually Edible Bird’s Nest of straw, dry trees, leaves or grass … but the Edible Bird’s Nest nest in their own spacious water. Edible Bird’s Nest was built during the breeding season and built by males for 35 days. The nest is shaped like a bowl that is attached to the cave. The nest consists of many slabs are woven from many threads of silk with water Edible Bird’s Nest and braided together. At first glance it is like fiber.
Learn about Edible Bird’s Nest
Learn about Edible Bird’s Nest

Normally, according to the color of people,  Edible Bird’s Nest are divided into three categories:


However, scientists today say that blood nest is very valuable but not due to the blood or refining of birds that come out. The cause of blood nest is due to Edible Bird’s Nest is usually nest where the cliffs climb, the cliffs contain many iron oxide. Thus, the original nest of blood is white, but after the iron oxide from the cliffs should turn from white to red, and also contains a lot of trace elements. That is why the blood nest is red unusual and precious than other nest is like.


Like the Price of Yen and the rare, the nest is orange but the color can change from tangerine to yellow egg yolk.

White oats:

White Nest is the most popular nest in the market. Each year can harvest 3-4 times. The number of white nest (including 3 species of oats above) sold on the world market accounts for about 90% of the total number of oats in the market.
If based on the origin, Edible Bird’s Nest is divided into two categories:

Nest Island:

Edible Bird’s Nest in natural habitat, fly swift to fly in the surrounding or adjacent islands. When harvesting extremely dangerous, the price is high.

House Swallow:

It is because people apply the same conditions as in nature (humidity, light …) to feed in the house.

What is the composition of Edible Bird’s Nest?

According to studies show that Edible Bird’s Nest consists of two main factors: glyco and protein. The glyco part consists of seven types, the body is easy to absorb. Proteins contain many amino acids, which the body does not synthesize. Deeper into the composition of the Edible Bird’s Nest is rich in protein (53-65%), other nutrients (about 10%), carbohydrates about 38.7% (sialic acid, hexosamine, hexose, deoxyexose) Minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium), natural glucosamine (essential elements that make cartilage), fiber … The composition of protein Edible Bird’s Nest is soluble, easy to absorb. Amino Acids make up about 6%, there are 18 kinds of essential amino acids. In particular, amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine, lysine … accounted for a large proportion.

So Edible Bird’s Nest effect on people?

According to Oriental medicine, Edible Bird’s Nest is a food, if you eat the Edible Bird’s Nest regularly and the right amount of nutrients will work, tonic, phlegm, cough, asthma. Spreading out,  Edible Bird’s Nest bring many benefits to human health:
– Hypertension, diabetes: support the adjustment of blood sugar should use the nest of roses daily can help stabilize blood glucose.
– Digestive and intestinal diseases: good digestive stimulation.
– Helps to protect the skin, regenerate skin cells, anti-aging and red blood cell production, keeps skin youthful, soft. Anti-acne, freckles, freckles and smooth skin.
– Increasing resistance, immunity for the human body.
– For patients with severe pulmonary tuberculosis, swallow’s nests are capable of supporting the recovery and clearance of pathogens for the lungs.

Who should use Edible Bird’s Nest?

– Old people
– Children
– Patient
– Pregnant women
– Beautiful women

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