Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Supply Of Edible Bird’s Nest

We harvest and collect Edible Bird’s Nests from our own swiftlet farm house which is located in the remote highland regions of Gerik, in the state of Perak, Malaysia.
Our Edible Bird’s Nest are hand picked carefully before the cleaning process. The nests are only harvested after the eggs are hatched and when the baby birds have vacated them. The harvested Edible Bird’s Nest consist of sand, feathers, egg shell and other impurities. The process of cleaning Edible Bird’s Nest involves picking of feathers and other impurities, shaping and drying.

Edible Bird’s Nest Orders

You can either order the cleaned Edible Bird’s Nest or the original uncleaned nest from us. As our bird farm is well maintained, the originally harvested Edible Bird’s Nests are less contaminated with feathers.
All order enquiries are always welcomed. We can also entertain preliminary small order quantity order
Supply Of Edible Bird’s Nest
Supply Of Edible Bird’s Nest

House Edible Bird’s Nest

The original source of supply for Edible Bird’s Nests is collected from dark and low humidity caves, which is the natural habitat of the 'Aerodramus Fuciphagus' swiftlet bird specie. These birds cleverly used saliva to make nest before laying eggs and hatching. The nest building process takes about 30 days or more to complete. The collection and supply of these edible nest started off as a cottage style operation and grow rapidly into a 'swiftlet farming' industry by studying and constructing cave-like structure environment in specially constructed buildings to provide more nesting habitats for the swiftlet bird population to grow and build their nests.

What You Need To Know About Cave Edible Bird’s Nest And Red Blood Nest ?

Cave Swiftlets (Collocalia linchi specie) build their nests in dark and low humidity caves which are located in isolated remote areas. These cave nests generally contain more foreign materials and feathers. They are also exposed to the risk of being contaminated with metallic chemicals which have been formed on the cave walls due to environmental factors. The color of cave nest is yellow or grey due to chemicals and the texture is more firm.
It is just a myth and sell gimmick that the Red-coloured ' Blood Edible Bird’s Nest ' are formed by swiftlets which vomited blood when building their nest and hence, considered as more scarce and very valuable. There is another citation that ' Red Edible Bird’s Nest” was form by a different species of swiftlet which consumes different kinds of water and food.
None of above 2 citations have any concrete evidence to substantiate the process of red colored Edible Bird’s Nest production, Medical research findings have analysed these colored nest and find that Edible Bird’s Nests tend to abosorb chemical elements which are present on the cave walls like ferrite oxide, contaminated water as well other poisonous materials.
Hence, do so some research for more information to confirm whether those colored Edible Bird’s Nests are really more nutritious and beneficial for health. Avoid being misled and pay more for products can be otherwise be more harmful than good.

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